Pathcare Volunteer Group
Pathcare Volunteer Group
The council leads a community based volunteer path care group with the aim of clearing some of our public footpaths and mending or replacing infrastructure such as stiles, finger posts, way markers etc. We meet up on the first Tuesday of each month at 10.00am and the session generally lasts around 3 hours. Any new or part time members would be most welcome and if interested please contact John Wright on 07850 937603
Care of Our Footpaths
Llanbadoc Community Council has produced a series of leaflets on walks in the ward. In conjunction with MCC we wish to put maintenance of our footpaths on a better footing. Several of your councillors will be involved in walking footpaths on a periodic basis to check on necessary maintenance. We would also welcome additional volunteers from the local community who would be prepared to walk defined walks perhaps once every three months and report back on any problems with stiles, overgrown vegetation, etc. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help with this and contribute to caring for our footpaths, please in the first instance contact John Wright as above.