Usk Food Bank and Kitchen
Usk Food Bank and Kitchen
FREE take-away hot food and food parcels for those in need, on TUESDAY's and THURSDAY's.
If you are a low income family, a single parent, elderly, have suffered a loss of income, and are struggling financially, need a little help and are in need of a good meal, or your children are...
...please do come along TUESDAY and/or THURSDAY, every week, and get yours. Either turn up on the day, or preferably phone ahead with your orders please, on the number on the poster.
Also there will be home made cakes for pudding, kindly made by members of the church and volunteers.
All the food donations from the trolleys in One Stop, Morris Garden Centre and Co-op will also now be stored here, and wait collection by you.
If you are in need of a hot meal, or a free box of goodies, and cannot get to the Church Hall on Porthycarme Street on these days, please call us and we'll deliver it to you between 11-1pm on the days mentioned.
Also, those wishing to donate food, crafts, baby/children toys, nappies, puzzles, books... anything you may think will help others, please bring them along between 11-1pm on the days mentioned.
A massive thanks to Gloria Dolan and Laura Jones, and the Catholic Parishoners of St David Lewis and Francis Xavier Church for organising this and for the kind use of their hall to enable us to offer this service.